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The area of Turkish hill (now Šance) represents another historically important part of the Jáchymov mining district, which has been extensively mined since the foundation of Jáchymov, and which is still documented by a large number of old shaft depressions and caved adits. At the same time, this area provides important evidence of water management skills of miners in the 16th century and later. The entire hill is transected by the Gegenbau and Dürrenschönberger adits which served as a canal bringing motive water from the Neklid (Unruh) adit under Boží Dar to the Svornost mine where it propelled the water-powered gin and stamp mills. The total length of the waterworks including its underground part exceeded 4 km. The Gegenbau and Dürrenschönberger adits are still used for water management purposes.