Mouths to Fundgrübner and Leithund adits

The beginning of mining in Jáchymov and the foundation of the town itself are very closely connected with Fundgrübner adit in the oldest part of the town. In 1516, Stephan Count Schlick, took up the financing of the work where a rich source of silver ore was struck in the cementation zone of the Fundgrübner vein. This finding triggered Jáchymov silver fever. The entrance to the Fundgrübner adit is situated next to the house no. 496. It is lined by flat mica schist stones of local origin and fitted with modern-era bars with a lock. The adit is not currently accessible.

The Leithund adit, whose name is reminiscent of the tubs for ore transportation, is one of the oldest adits of the Jáchymov mining district; it dates back to the early 16th century. The mouth to the Leithund adit is located near the road leading from Jáchymov to Boží Dar. The adit mouth has been secured by a typical stone portal with a stone lintel on the crown of the arch, which was last changed in the mid-19th century, as evidenced by the inscription on the lintel “K.K. Leithund stolln A 1852“. At present, the adit mouth is situated mostly under the ground level.

Cities of the Ore Mountains

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