Zlatý Kopec – Kaff mining district

On the Kaffenberg hill north of the Zlatý Kopec settlement, polymetallic Fe-Zn-Cu-Sn ores bound to flat-lying lenticular skarn bodies were extracted from the early 16th until the late 19th century, On an area of approximately 1,500 x 400 m, there are hundreds of shaft depression as well as dozens of collapsed adits and shafts. The entire area, located in a mountainous and wooded terrain, remained almost unaffected by subsequent landscaping and it preserved an authentic character of an original mining landscape.

In the east, the deposit was developed in particular by the Johannes adit and by the pits leading thereto. The Johannes adit reached a length of about 180 m; at a distance of about 160 m from the entrance, spectacular stopes called ‘a church’ and ‘a chapel’ with a length of 60 m, a width of 20 m and a height up to 10-12 m have been driven in the 16th century. In 2015 the Johannes adit has been made accessible to the public as a visitor mine.

In the west, the Kohlreuter mine with a 170 m-long adit of the same name was the most important mine. Also in this gallery, old miners dug huge stopes up to 40 m long and 25 m wide in the 16th century. To drain this mine, Segen Gottes and Dreikönig adits, situated lower, have been used; their entrances have been well preserved.

Cities of the Ore Mountains

Members of the Montanregion in the Czech Republic