Knötel Mining District is located northeast of Krupka, under today’s chair lift to Komáří hůrka hill. It was the largest district in the Krupka area and bears excellent evidence of mining from the 14th to the 20th centuries (predominantly tin, and to a lesser extent copper, bismuth and later molybdenum ores hosted by a gneissic mantle of granite which is primarily bound to flat but also, to a lesser extent, to steep greisen veins or aplite stockwork/quartz-topaz greisen).
From the 14th century, the Knötel district was developed by opencast mines (such as the Zwickenpinge surface mine sized 50x35 m, which already existed in the 16th century, or the opencast mine workings on the Mahler vein) and dozens of smaller, predominantly shallow workings, which left behind a large number of adits and shafts with heaps of various ages. From the 16th century prospecting and subsequent extraction by means of twin shafts have been used, documented and evidenced, for example, in the area of the Starý Vendelín mine. From the 17th until the 19th century individual shafts and adits have been driven, scattered all over the district, or mines developed by a short adit and a shaft. Dating to this phase are the Jacobs Fahrt mine, the Siebenschläfer adit, the Juda adit and the Alt Ignazi adit. The end of this phase includes longer adits and deeper shafts, manifested by large heaps (Glück auf, Vendelin, Alter Abendstern, Josef). The deepest stopes in the Knötel district reached a depth of about 30-50 m.
During World War II and thereafter, in addition to the greisens, the pegmatite body rich in molybdenite and potassium feldspar was developed by a system of four superposed adits (Prokop, Barbora, Václav, and Večerní hvězda adits) situated below the chair-lift from Bohosudov to Komáří hůrka hill. Extensive heaps and caved-in adit mouths still document this mining period which ended in 1956.